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HomePage: Welcome to the RaptorZone

Get you some of that, Bad-ass Raptor

Get you some of that, it bites!

Why the raptor theme? It's got absolutely nothing to do with raptors but everything to do with my Gamertag RaptorZN.

New update

So what's this web site all about? Most importantly to share my technology interests with other technofiles ... otherwise it's here just for the fun of it.

In the Relics Section is a mixture of some of my favorite hobbies and associated projects covering everything from radio frequency (RF) transmission and reception, antenna's, graphic and web design, illustrations and sketching, radio controlled (R/C) aircraft, Visual Basic programming (for RS-232 port) and reception of weather satellites.

My Blog features some of my ideas, thoughts, opinions, reviews and interesting news. There is an entire section for news about Karol Madera VE7KFM or better known as Radio Canada (one of the most infamous radio amateurs around). Also posted there are details of a very interesting, potential UFO sighting of my own, i.e. Orange orbs and gigantic crescent shape object seen over The Reeds, Centurion, South Africa).

I hope you enjoy your visit!

Relics Section Quick Links

FM Stereo Transmitter
Build this FM stereo transmitter using mostly Op-amp's. Disclaimer: Build and/or use this device at your own discretion as it is illegal to operate a radio frequency transmitter without an appropriate license in most countries.

Wideband FM broadcast band jammer
Here is a design of a fairly simple, but effective Wideband FM broadcast band jammer. Disclaimer: Build and/or use this device strictly at your own discretion as it is illegal to operate a radio frequency jammer in most countries.

HF Band QRM/QRN Noise Canceller
Build this HF Band QRM/QRN Noise Canceller which nulls out and attenuates RF noise and interference with up to 40dB (typical).

Radio Communications/Scanning
The radio frequency (RF) band is packed with information. Listed here are frequencies of local, international, amateur and satellite transmissions.

Global HF T-Index and Propagation
The Global HF T-Index and Propagation provides a long term ionospheric index trend for HF communications.

11 m Band "Zepp" (EDZ) antenna
Build a 11 m Band Extended Double Zeppelin 'Zepp' (EDZ) Antenna centred at 27.500 MHz.

11 m Band "Zepp" (EDZ) MkII antenna
Build a 11 m Band Extended Double Zeppelin 'Zepp' (EDZ) MkII Antenna centred at 27.500 MHz.

11 m Band Super J-Pole antenna
Build a 11 m Band Super J-Pole Antenna centred at 27.500 MHz.

11 m Band J-Pole antenna
Build a 11 m Band J-Pole Antenna centred at 27.500 MHz.

11 m Band Hentenna
Build a 11 m Band Hentenna centred at 27.500 MHz.

11 m Band Halo antenna
Build a 11 m Band Cobwebb Antenna centred at 27.500 MHz.

Web site design
Here is a showcase of some of my web design work.

Logo design
A number of logo's I designed are shown here.

Flash design
Download Screen Savers I created in Flash/Shockwave.

Pocket theme design
Download Pocket Theme's I created using ThemeMaker McDeb.

Some of my illustrations are shown here.

Some of my pencil sketches are shown here.

Radio controlled (R/C) aircraft
Here are two online battery re-charging calculators which calculate charge time and convert time formats between decimal and HMS.

Visual Basic programming (RS-232)
Control your ICOM IC-R8500 Communications Receiver remotely via your PC's Serial Port (RS232 Port) using this small sample program written in Visual Basic.

Receive and decode weather satellite images directly from satellites in real-time employing relatively inexpensive/non-elaborate receiving equipment and decoding software.

Exploring technology
Explore various other technology related websites you might find of interest.

Graphic and Web Design

Web site design

Logo design

Flash design




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